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Dysphagia is a post graduate qualification, and we have team members certified in the post basic and advanced dysphagia accreditations.

Our therapists assess and diagnose difficulties with eating, drinking, and swallowing to ensure you can enjoy safe and enjoyable mealtimes. This may involve modifying textures or diet following national recommended guidelines.

Our therapists complete comprehensive reports and risk assessments and produce training and guidance for the team around you. We also carry out swallowing rehabilitation techniques if clinically indicated.

If you do not eat and drink orally, we are experienced at supporting with oral care, writing taster programmes and using tools such as Biozoon where appropriate. We attend regular in house and external courses to ensure our knowledge remains up to date and partner with external agencies (e.g. Biozoon) where possible to deliver training.

The IDDSI Framework

Our clients

Client - Ewan


Case study

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